STANLEY Security

Defining a customer-centric content strategy and digital experience for a global brand

Quick Facts



A Stanley Black & Decker brand, STANLEY Security is the world’s second-largest electronic security company. It provides innovative security solutions to customers in a wide range of industries.

Core Activities

Stakeholder Interviews — Digital Surveys — Competitive & Industry Analysis — User Personas — Sitemapping — Information Architecture — Wireframe Sketching — Copywriting & UX Writing — Content Strategy — SME Interviews

The Challenge


Despite their world-class reputation, STANLEY Security’s content wasn't connecting with users.

Though STANLEY Security had a high volume of content and technical details, the key benefits of their ecosystem—and the motivation behind why the user would want to purchase—were difficult to discern and unarticulated. STANLEY Security was embarking on a website redesign that would be rolled out to every global domain, so a comprehensive and flexible website build was pivotal.

Key Issues

↪︎ Inconsistent messaging

↪︎ Disjointed brand voice and tone

↪︎ Outdated information

↪︎ Lack of a cohesive ecosystem to unify product offerings

↪︎ Multiple audience groups with different priorities and purchasing influence

Stakeholder Quotes


“We need to focus more on the customer experience. There’s lots of information and tons of solutions, but with no connection to our customers.”

— VP of Global Brand, STANLEY Security

“We have a lot of information on our website. I think this makes things difficult for customers who may not know what they want as they have to navigate through a lot of detail.”

— Compliance Manager, STANLEY Security

“We have so many different solutions, but how do we guide customer through what they want?”

— Chief Financial Officer, STANLEY Security

The Solution


STANLEY Security is more than just a provider of security solutions, they have a story—both that of the brand and that of the user—to tell.

The way forward was clear: create a content architecture 
that spotlighted the key benefits of their integrated solutions—and thus, the reasons why STANLEY Security was the user’s best choice—without forfeiting the essential technical details.

Key Objectives

↪︎ Build consistency across the brand

↪︎ Formulate a global strategy

↪︎ Update the content for both accuracy and relevancy

↪︎ Drive leads by inspiring users to take action

↪︎ Streamline access to product support content to reduce call volume

Homepage hero


Navigation > Solutions dropdown

Solutions > Protect My People page

Inspiring Users to Take Action


At critical website touchpoints, clear messaging demonstrates how STANLEY Security can provide value to users.

On the homepage hero and in the Solutions dropdown, users are prompted to interact with four options:

↪︎ Protect my people

↪︎ Safeguard my assets

↪︎ Secure my networks

↪︎ Manage my operations

Each prompt resonates with different user personas — Security Directors, Store Owners, IT Directors, Facility Managers — and allows STANLEY Security to bundle their solutions and services in a compelling, integrated way for each user.

Further, the messaging is copywritten in a style that empowers action. From the lead-in (“I’m ready to…”) to the powerful verbs (“protect”, “safeguard”, “secure”, “manage”), every word was carefully selected to be equal parts inspiring and direct.


Creating an Architecture of Compelling Components

As lead UX strategist, I sketched a library of templated pages and modular components that communicated STANLEY’s solutions and brand differentiators.

A website redesign of this scale included nearly 30 custom templates, each comprising of reusable modular components that made up STANLEY Security’s new modular design system. A sampling of these templates included:

↪︎ Solutions Archive & Profiles

↪︎ Industries Archive & Profiles

↪︎ Blog Archive & Posts

↪︎ News Archive & Posts

↪︎ Resources Archive & Posts

In the information architecture phase, I sketched out components like Solution Benefits, Solution FAQs, “Why STANLEY” tabs, Featured Resource, Related Resources, Related Solutions, in-page sticky navigations, Use Cases accordions, Stats diagrams, testimonials, Featured Client logos, and more.

When woven together, these components guided the user along rich journeys throughout the website, helping them uncover the solutions they need, understand the value propositions of those solutions, and give them the confidence to continue down the sales funnel.

Credits: Work created with a team while at 829 Studios.

Schedule an interview and I’ll tell you more about this project.

Next Project: JCC of San Francisco